Tuesday, July 06, 2004

40 Questions That Bother Me

The other day, I was driving home from a visit at my parents' house. As I was driving I was thinking. I had nothing else to do except watch the road and make certain that I did not sleep drive into the median. So, anyhow, I started thinking of some questions that I feel I need answers to. Here they are in no particular order.

1. Why do dogs like wind in their face?

2. How many songwriters in the history of the world have rhymed the words 'hips' and 'lips'?

3. Why does it matter?

4. Do the words 'hips' and 'lips' rhyme in any other language?

5. Why must everything have some sort of reference to sex?

6. What do fish think about all day long?

7. Why are cats so stupid?

8. Why do people kill other people?

9. If God knows every time a sparrow falls to the earth how often must God think about death every day?

10. Who discovered the need for toilet paper?

11. What did Moses use to brush his teeth?

12. What did the world do before someone decided we needed dentists?

13. What is the real name for the color 'green'?

14. God calls all the stars by name. I want to know the real names of the planets and stars.

15. Have you ever noticed that, although the sun and moon are different distances from earth there are times when they appear to be the same size?

16. What if black and white were the rule and not the exception?

17. In what way do mosquitoes bring glory to God? (You realize they must)

18. Why are children incapable of remembering the order to brush their teeth, for example, but they can remember the smallest details of their favorite cartoon or video game?

19. What happens one second after death?

20. What if humans do not know as much as they think?

21. Are there any animals that eat poison ivy?

22. Why is dirt brown and not, say, blue?

23. Why does English have only one word for love?

24. Why does every one think that they should voice their opinion just because they can?

25. I wonder how many people would quit talking if half the world quit listening?

26. Am I alone in thinking that television is way, way too overrated?

27. What is my mind really thinking about right now?

28. Why do my arms need to be covered with hair?

29. Why do simple Americans pay politicians so much money to invent rules for us to live by? Why do we pay politicians so much money? Why do we give the power of taxation to such a small minority?

30. Why do so few people sing?

31. Why does it matter?

32. What would the world be like if I were not me but someone else, and he knew it?

33. Why must fingernails and hair continue to grow?

34. Who decided that the world needed deodorant?

35. Who decided that the world needed dental floss?

36. Who decided that the world would be a better place with 800 varieties of soap? (Don't they, essentially, do the same thing?)

37. How do I know a dog is not a cat and a cat is not a dog? Who made that decision?

38. Who ate the first prune?

39. What was the world like before computers? What will the world be like when computers are finally replaced and someone says, "I wonder what the world was like without ____________?"

40. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This means God created space for us to exist. What was 'it' like before God created space for us?

Just some thoughts. Feel free to let me know if you have any answers to any of these questions. I will look forward to your responses. I will write some more questions another day if I have any.

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