Friday, September 03, 2004

Just Wondering

We have a half-room in our house. We were tearing off the old wall paper so we could paint it. I took the occasion to scribble some poems on the paper before it was completely removed. Here is one that I sort of liked.

I wonder what a bird thinks of
The first time he has to fly.
Is he nervous or afraid
or laughing
Because it took so long to try?

I wonder what it is like
The first time He is pushed
from his nest--
The place where he has lived
and eaten;
The place where he enjoyed
his rest?

I wonder what it is like
The first time he is lifted
by a breeze.
Does he turn and smile at
at his mamma?
Does He hope his dad to please?

I wonder what it is like
To feel wind beneath soft wings.
Is it anything like the freedom
and hope
That a life in Jesus brings?

I wonder what it's like
To see life from above the earth;
To know all days from a different view
from the very day of birth?

I wonder what it is like
To soar across the sky?
I wonder what it's like
To be born a creature
who knows from birth
That he was born to fly?

Soli Deo Gloria

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