Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Puke Fiction: Right Now (pt. 2)

Right Now (Part 2)

Right now it is raining outside;
Inside it is day.
My chair is comfortable;
I enjoy sitting.
Soon my back will hurt,
This will require standing.
I'm not good at gladhanding.
Right now something is causing
My foot to itch. So much so, does it itch,
That I feel the need to scratch.
But things can change in a heart beat,
or in the twinkle of an eye;
or turn on a dime.
Other things were a mere flash in the pan,
And run like second glass sand through
Our hands.
Scarcely do we bother to pay
To that which is permanent,
To that which lasts.
Right now.

Sometimes I become inebriated on stupidity. Then again, my cup runeth over.

Soli Deo Gloria

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