Monday, July 19, 2004

God Loves You

Read Job 40:1-41:34
The story is told about a preacher who was walking home one evening after a heavy day of ministering to people during the air raids on London during the 1940’s. He met a fellow minister and in his ‘exasperation and bewilderment’ he said, “I wish I was on the throne of the universe for 10 minutes.”  His colleague replied, “If you were on the throne for ten minutes, I would not wish to live in your world for ten seconds.” (Adapted from Atkinson, “Suffering and Grace.”)
If you could be on the throne of the universe for 10 minutes what would you do with your time? What would you change? What would you fix? How would handle some of the more threatening crises we humans are experiencing? Let me ask you point blank: DO you think you could do a better job than GOD? Read again what God says to Job in verses 8-14:

Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? Do you have an arm like God’s, and can your voice thunder like his? Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty. Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and humble him, crush the wicked where they stand. Bury them all in the dust together; shroud their faces in the grave. Then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you.

If you think you can run the universe better then do so! His monologue then turns into a long explanation of two of the more impressive beasts in the world: The Behemoth (hippo?) and The Leviathan (crocodile?). God tells Job that these two great beasts are completely submissive to the Divine Power. “Everything under heaven belongs to me,” he says. This we are to understand is God’s answer to Job’s inquiries. This we are to understand is what God said to Job when He spoke out of the whirlwind. 
Two points. First, we do not have an arm or a voice like God’s. The final truth is that we cannot save ourselves by our own right hand. Second, God has even these great creatures under his control. That is power!
So when these two thoughts are combined we might say this: “I am hopeless,” which is surely the response of some people. Or we might say this, “I must trust God completely” which is surely the response of others. We will have many questions in this life and I dare say a great many of them will go unanswered. Nevertheless we can trust God.
I submit to you that you do not need to have all of your questions answered in order to trust God completely. His power and wisdom in creation are at times beyond comprehension even if some continue seeking answers they will never find. Resign yourself to complete trust in God. He cares for you and He loves you. That is the ultimate answer he has for Job and you.
Prayer Thoughts on Job 40:1-41:34
Pray trustfully in all things. Whatever you pray today pray with trust that God hears your prayers, that God answers your prayers, and that God cares about your life. He has not abandoned you. Don’t you abandon Him.

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