Thursday, July 15, 2004


Read Job 22:1-30

I think it all started with the OJ Simpson trial several years ago. Well, at least that is my first memory of it. ‘It’ refers to the process of using DNA to solve crimes or, as in the case of Mr. Simpson, to exonerate the accused. I have seen in recent months people set free from prison, people released from the death penalty, people vindicated because of DNA evidence being brought to light.
I would be willing to bet Job would like some DNA evidence to be brought forward in his case. Look how he is now treated by Eliphaz.

He is accused of ‘wickedness,’ ‘endless sins,’ ‘stripping men of their clothing,’ ‘not giving water to the weary,’ ‘withholding food from the hungry,’ ‘sending widows away empty handed,’ and ‘breaking the strength of the fatherless.’ This is quite a legacy that Job has left behind, and it flies in the face of what God himself has already said about Job in the first and second chapters of the book.

Eliphaz continues to insist that Job is guilty of some sin that has caused this breech between him and God. Thus he continues to insist that Job submit to God and be at peace with him. In fact verses 21-30 are all saying this very thing: “Repent, and it will be well with you again.” Eliphaz, like Zophar and Bildad, has missed the point entirely. The ‘why’ of Job’s suffering is not to be found in Job’s reckless past, but someplace else that Eliphaz, Zophar and Bildad are afraid to tread.

It is the issue of false accusations that intrigues me in these verses. Have you ever been falsely accused of some wayward act of ignorance or violence? Has someone ever just blasted you out of the water because they were convinced you were reprobate and reprehensible? Has anyone ever gone out of their way to make your life miserable with a cornucopia of concocted lies and half-truths? If you have then you know how exhausting it is to try and convince your accusers that they are the ones who are wrong and defend yourself as an innocent.

Being falsely accused of the misdeeds of a miscreant is not all that bad though even if it should not be taken lightly. Remember it is the enemy in chapters one and two who is the master of accusations. He accused Job before God and he still accuses the saints of God day and night (Revelation 12:10). I believe that sometimes the enemy does work through the mouths of other humans.

Oh, one more thing. If you ever find yourself being falsely accused as was Job try and remember the company you share. Jesus was falsely accused of all sorts of things by his enemies. Is the student above the Master? I think not.

Prayer Thoughts on Job 22:1-30

As I said above the enemy is still accusing the saints of God. In foreign lands his is working overtime to destroy the kingdom of God. Christians around the world are accused of all sorts of ungodly acts and all sorts of heinous crimes are associated with the Kingdom of Christ. Pray for persecuted Christians who are facing the accusing voice of judges, liars and enemies each day. They will be vindicated by God.

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