Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Puke Fiction: The Drooped Flower

The Drooped Flower (Unfinished)

Tall stood the flower.
It's radiant arms
Stretching in all directions.
It's perfume wafting upwards
And outwards
On the warm breeze.
It's rainbow of color:
Majestic and Grand,
Far surpassing any royalty of man.
Bees and bugs are nestled into its
Sweet bed of satin--
Undoubtedly drunk on pollen,
So saturated they are unable to leave.
The drooped flower,
Its head hung low.
Bending and lowing like
The cattle in a certain barn,
And, not ironically, for the same reason.
Unlike the observer
Who stands with head held high
Not daring to lower his eye
Or even feign humility
Beneath the sun in the sky.

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