Monday, February 27, 2006

Just Wondering about Fish

What do fish think about all day long? Is there life consumed only with thoughts of what to eat, how to avoid being prey, and perhaps where to sleep, safely, at night?

Do you ever wonder if fish think about what they look like or if they are offending other fish by, say, not smelling like a fish?

Do they take a bath after being hooked by a fisherman and thrown back? Are they concerned about that less than fishy smell that coats them after being handled by a fisherman?

Do they thank God when they are thrown back?

Do fish ever get tired of constantly havin their thirst slaked? That is, do they ever get tired of not being thirsty?

Do fish ever get a hankering for lobster? Would they like to have a glass of wine every now and again?

Absurd, right?

Just wondering.